In order to simulate emotional arousal, the changes with respect to neutral speech are to be described in a modification file. This is a list of features and parameters, grouped into
this is an example of such a file:
# manipulate duration-parameters
# change dur of all phones in %
-changeSpeechRate 100
# change dur of 0=phraseAcc, 1=phrase/wordAcc in %
-changeDurStressed 100 1
# change dur of 0=noneAcc, 1=none/wordAcc in %
-changeDurNonStressed 100 0
# change dur of specific phonManners in %
-changeDurVowels 100
-changeDurLiquides 100
-changeDurNasals 100
-changeDurFricV 100
-changeDurFricVL 100
-changeDurPlosV 100
-changeDurPlosVL 100
-changeDurSilence 100
# manipulate intonation parameters
# shift f0Vals in %
-changeMeanF0 100
# compress/expand f0Vals around phraseMeanF0 in %
-changeRange 100
# compress/expand f0Vals around syllableMeanF0 in %
-changeVariability 100
# change pitch-contour of whole phrase to <contour>,
# <contour> can be straight, rise or fall
# - straight: all syllable-meanF0Vals become meanF0Val
# - rise/fall: last syllable gets pitch-changed according to <rate>,
# all syllables before get changed in percentage to distance from last syllable
-changePhraseContour 1 100
# like changePhraseContour, but starting at each phrase accented Syllable
-changePhraseContourToAccent 100
-changeStressedMeanF0 100 1
-changePitchContourStressed 1 0 1 contour, gradient, both
# manipulate voice-quality parameters
# -addJitter <accent> <rate> <method>
# simulate Jitter at all voiced phones in syllables with <accent>.
# If <method> = 1, all nonzero f0Vals get displaced about <rate> alternating down and up.
# If <method> = 2, the klattSyn parameter skew/FL is set to <rate>
-addJitter 0 0 1
# change voice-quality of vowels/voiced phones arg:<rate (0-100)>
-breathy 0
-creaky 0
-falsett 0
-whispery 0
-tense 0
# manipulate articulation parameters
-overshootVowels 0 0 accent rate
-undershootVowels 0 0 accent rate
# coarticulation args: <rate (determines frameNum in %)> <type:
0=regressive, 1=progressive, 2=both>
-coarticulation 70 2